Today I am going to write about something that someone told me about myself that I never forget This one is a hard one. I would say it would have to be anyone telling me I am important. It took me a long time to really believe this one. i never really felt important and sometimes still struggle with feeling important. I have tho think though I have 4 amazing kids who depend on me. I have a great job that my bosses love me and my coworkers depend on me. My family and friends depend on me. There are a lot of people who depend on me and so I have to remember I am important.

I was made to feel for so long that i wasn't important that i forgot who I was and lost myself. I didn't believe I was important. I have had to relearn and am happy that I have been able to do that. I just want to remind each and every one of you that you are important, you do matter.
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