Green Kid Crafts

About Me

My name is Ashley. I met my husband Lou when we were little kids. Our grandparents were best friends and so we soon became good friends. We dated in middle school, but then as we got into high school we started dating other people and lost touch. We didn’t speak for about 5 years. Well we both were in serious relationships that ended very badly. I was down in Louisville for college. i had left my car home in Cincinnati and Lou changed the battery in it for me before I got home. When I found out he had done it, I decided to call and thank him. We finally talked after 5 years or so and decided to get together. On June 19, 2009 we seen each other for the first time in about 7 years or so. It was like we had never been apart and we immediately started dating again. Things went very quickly and at the end of July we moved in together and in August we got engaged. On October 19, 2009 I married my best friend. Just a few short months later on May 25, 2010 our first little miracle, Bella Olivia Owens was born weighing in at 6lb 10oz and 21 inches long. We couldn’t be happier…or so we thought. Just 9 months and 17 days later our second little miracle was born, Kaya Cheyenne Owens weighing 6lb 4oz and 18.25 inches long. Things were great, but our family still wasn’t complete and in March 2012 we found out we were expecting our third little miracle. This is where things got crazier. The beginning of the pregnancy went pretty fast and uneventful. Well around 26 weeks or so I started having symptoms of preeclampsia, but doctors refused to diagnose it and accept i had it that early as it usually doesn’t show until full term. I continued with symptoms and around 33 weeks I started with contractions. I started dilating and got to 3cm where i stopped dilating but continued having contractions for 4 weeks. I was miserable. After numerous trips to the hospital and getting nowhere I went in again around 3pm on November 8. My blood pressure was really high and they ran tests. They said if I wasn’t dilating on my own I would be getting induced as I was finally diagnosed with preeclampsia at 37 weeks 5 days. I started dilating and was sent to a labor and delivery room. I got to my room about 6pm and was at 4cm and 100% effaced. At about 8:30 they went to break my water and found that the baby’s feet were in the birth canal, he was breech. They said they couldn’t chance turning him and couldn’t deliver that was, I was going to have to have a c-section. I was terrified as my other two deliveries were vaginal and I have never been through surgery besides having wisdom teeth removed. Lou had to run to get things together for the girls to stay with family so they said they would try to wait until he got back to do the c-section since I was only like 4-5 cm. He was gone only about an hour and when my doctor got there she checked me and I was already at 9cm and she said we had to do the c-section then. Lou got there just in time to get scrubbed up and get into the delivery room. At 10:48pm Louis John Owens Jr. was born weighing 6lb 13oz and 19.5 inches long. We were so blessed to finally have a little boy. Things have been pretty hectic since then as Louis got sick and was admitted to Cincinnati Childrens on Nov 21 with the rhinovirus. He spent 3 days in the PICU on a ventilator and spent more days in a regular room before finally being released on December 4. He was readmitted on December 11 for not gaining weight and after having formula changes was released on December 14. He has since then been in and out of the hospital, seen many specialists. and has multiple diagnoses. He has epilepsy, global developmental delays, speech and language delays, sensory processing disorder, hypotonia, feeding issues, failure to thrive, oropharyngeal phase dysphagia, he gets sick easily, and he has 3 genetic mutations. Despite all of that he is a very happy boy.

I just finished up my diploma in Medical Administrative Assisting and am now doing my Associate's Degree and should finish January 2015. I love crafting, camping, traveling, blogging, visiting museums and amusement parks and other attractions, and spending time with my family. 

hubby Lou





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