Green Kid Crafts

Friday, January 6, 2017

Girl Scout Cookies

And so it has begun, cookie season kicked off today. As a troop leader and a mom of 2 girl scouts, cookie season can be fun, but very hectic. This is my first year having both girls in scouts, so I am having to try to split all the orders between them as evenly as possible so that they get the same prizes and everything. I have to try to keep up with their orders, plus help all the other girls/moms make sure they know what they are doing and help them have a successful cookie season. Our troop this year is way bigger than last year, and we hope to do many more booths. We have a troop goal of selling 1500 boxes and hope to use the money to go camping, horseback riding, zoo, spa day, and save for a big trip. Plus we buy patches and everything with the money, so lots in mind. The more we sell the more our troop makes. This is Girl Scouts 100th year of selling cookies!!! They have come a long way since then as in the beginning they made their own cookies and sold them, and now they use 2 different bakeries and add new cookies every year. This year the new cookie is the Smore's cookie. The one our council sells is very good with a graham cracker cookie and a layer of chocolate and a layer of marshmallow inside. It is definitely worth it to try.
The sales also teach the girls important skills. It teaches them business skills as well as personal skills. They learn about money, setting goals, wants and needs, and donating time. Also this year we are doing operation cookie which allows customers to donate money to be used to send cookies to the troops. Those interested in donating may also donate boxes to be donated to our local fire department to thank the firefighters.
If you are interested in buying from the girls you can buy online and have the cookies delivered right to your house. Buy some, help our troop, and even freeze some so you can have some all year. The girls also earn different prizes depending on how many boxes they sell.


  1. Yum, I love these! I always buy from my daughter's friends.

    1. That is great. Every box bought helps all girl scouts :-)

  2. These are delicious! It's great you can buy online nowdays from girls.

    1. yes it really helps for those family members who live out of town

  3. I so desperately wish Girl Scout cookies were available to buy in the UK! As an expat Canadian this is one of the many things that I miss! :)

    1. I know I have a few friends out of the US that would love to have some

  4. I miss Girl Scout cookies! I haven't had girl scout cookies in years.

    1. you should have some there are so many new cookies

  5. Is it that time of year??? so jealous now living in UK but when home I used to stock up freezer with boxes and boxes.. I think it must be the right of passage or something, everyone I knew never bought just one box

    1. thats the thing to do freeze them so you can have cookies all year

  6. It is the time of the year where you can't resist those delicious cookies. I mean, it's only once a year - mind as well enjoy, right? I love them!

    1. exactly and always gotta try the new cookies. Plus it is the 100 years of cookies celebration this year

  7. I remember my Girl Scout days! Samoas are still my favorite!

  8. I love the idea of donating money to send cookies to our overseas military force - what a delicious way of thanking them for their service. I also thought the idea of donating boxes to the fire department was great too - I think I'll use that with my girls, and we'll buy some cookies for our local protectors as well.

  9. Girl Scout cookies are so addictive and yummy! Also, I love the organization.

  10. Girl scout cookies are so yummy. I must admit, though, the price is a bit much. That usually doesn't stop me from buying a box, though. Yum!

    1. i think it is worth it though just because the girls work hard and the money comes back to them in one way or another

  11. I did just see a couple posts about the Girl Scout cookies! I do dine on a few boxes throughout the duration so I'm very excited.

  12. I eat way too many girl scout cookies haha. So obsessed!

  13. I haven't seen girl scout cookies for a long while. Especially not around my neighborhood. Used to support buying their cookies when we lived downtown.

  14. Love these cookies for years now and support local clubs!

  15. That sounds awesome! We don't have girl scout cookies where I live and that's a bummer! I'm missing on a lot of goodness! -Marceline Dementori

  16. I am so excited girl scout cookie season is upon us! Can't wait to try the S'mores along with old classics

    1. yes there are 2 different types of smores depending on the baker they use

  17. That's an awesome source for girl scout cookies! I'm sure a lot of people will be pleased about this one!

  18. Oh I love Girl Scout cookies! Thin Mints and Tagalongs are my favorites! <3 :)

  19. I remember growing up there used to always be girls scouts coming around door to door selling cookies. I don't think I've seen them for a few years so I didn't realize they still sold them.


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