I am doing a 30 day writing challenge. For day 1 I am writing about 10 things that make me happy. Here we go:
- My kids- My kids are my world. Without them I am not quite sure where I would be. Just thinking about them helps get me through even my darkest days. when I was at my saddest in the first days after my ex husband left my kids would just cuddle me and love on me and it helped me get through. I love watching them learn and grow into their own personality.

- My family- my family is my rock. My parents and my grandma have helped me a lot especially in this past year. There were times they were the only thing I had. They are there to help me at my lowest and help me celebrate my highest points.
- Listening to music- music is essential to me. It helps me express how I feel and it helps me to relax. Pretty much anytime I have the ability to listen to music I am listening. When i get home from work, the music goes on. It helps me unwind after a day of working and it helps cheer me up when the day has been a little rough.
- Taking baths- they are relaxing to me and also help me unwind. I also have back problems since my car accident and so when i am in pain a nice hot bath helps.
- Disney World- some people may say Disney is for kids, but I say they don't know what they are talking about. Disney is fr everyone. When I am there it helps you forgot at least temporarily about the problems you have to deal with in the real life and just be a kid again and have fun. It is a great getaway.
- My nephew. He just turned 1 yesterday and is just adorable. My babies are all getting too big, so I get my baby fix through him. He is my only nephew and I have so nieces so he gets all the spoils.

- The beach- I love the water and love swimming and I love the warm weather so the beach is perfect. Plus you can do so much: lay in the sand, build sand castles, swim, look for shells, see dolphins it is just great!
- Making people smile/happy- I love making others happy and seeing their happiness makes me happy. i am a people pleaser and have a hard time saying no because I just want to make them happy. this can be ad at times, but I try.
- Writing my blog- Here I can express myself. I am able to write about what i want, when i want. i love getting feedback from my readers and seeing what you enjoy or don't enjoy so that I can improve. I started my blog years ago Just as a way to write about family things just more as a journal. i never expected it to turn into what it has today. I love writing for you guys and hope to do so for a long time.
- Animals- I love animals especially cuddly ones. I grew up with cats and they are just so cuddly. I am not a huge fan of snakes though so they do not make me happy. But puppies and kittens do
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