Mommy blogger of 4 crazy kiddos.. Reviews, travel ideas, special needs awareness and more. Some posts may contain affiliate links but all reviews are my thoughts.
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Companies needed for upcoming Holiday guide and product guides
Hello everyone. I am in the process of putting together a company guide to promote companies both local and online. I am also accepting products to review and put into a product guide. I am trying to get 1 person from all companies. could be direct sales or just small businesses that you own and would want to promote. All I ask in return is to try to promote the guide on your social media. If you would like to be added to either of the guides or have more questions please contact me at Put "blog company guide' in the subject.
If you want to be added to the guide send your name, company, and a link to your shop and/or page. If you want to send products to be reviewed just let me know. Guide will be promoted on all my social media.
Monday, August 28, 2017
Pediped Shoes
With school now in and cooler weather quickly approaching many of us are going to be looking for new shoes for our kids. At Pediped you can get
Outlet Styles starting at $19.99
. Does your kid go to a school with uniforms? Shop award-winning school uniform shoes
with Pediped. Pediped shoes are a great way to still have healthy foot development without the need for being barefoot. Award-winning pediped footwear is the next best thing to bare feet
Pediped shoes are great for babies all the way through school age kids. Know someone having a baby? The perfect baby shower gift! Adorable and high-quality pediped baby shoes.
Have an active toddler who is just learning to walk? Try pediped Grip 'n' Go - The perfect shoes for active toddlers
. Free shipping on orders $75+

Grip 'n' Go Jake Light Grey/Blue

Flex® Naomi Black

Grip 'n' Go Starlite Chocolate/Pink

Grip 'n' Go™ Force Navy/Orange

Max Navy

Max Navy/Pink

Grip 'n' Go™ Rosa Black
Shop at Pediped now and remember free shipping on order $75 plus.
Sunday, August 27, 2017
End of the month update
I finally have time to sit down and write an update on everything. School started for the girls last Monday. The first week went pretty well. Bella is currently in a daily reading class trying to help her catch up some. She is currently finishing up work she didn't finish in 1st grade last year. She has her AIMSWEB assessment on September 21 and from there will likely be moving on to 2nd grade work!!! Her reading is already greatly improved from last year and she enjoys doing it finally!
One day after we did the school work we took a field trip to the park up the street and went rock hunting and learned about the tree life cycle. The kids learned a lot and we all had a lot of fun. That is one of the amazing aspects of homeschool, that you can take field trips like that and take the learning on the road and be more hands on. We love going to parks, farms, zoos and museums as our fun and learning field trips.
Now for the update a lot of you have probably been waiting on. We finally got our genetic testing results and in the end we really got no results. We had done genetic testing on louie back in 2013 and it came back he has 3 mutations, 2 from mom and 1 from dad. They know almost nothing about these specific mutations and so they are unsure of the significance of them. Fast forward to when Silas was born and sent to genetics. They tested Silas for the same mutations and he has 1 of the 3 and it is 1 from me. The assume since I have no major problems that that specific mutation has no significance. Well on this test they only found those same 3 mutations that they still know pretty much nothing about. We are now waiting a year to see how they are doing and then depending we will be doing the Full Exome testing which is the biggest test they ca do currently. These are the mutations they have. The 1 has been know to be related to a spectrum of disorders called Dravet Syndrome and other epilepsy disorders and we have been told and untold that Louie has Dravet syndrome so we really don't know what to think.
Silas has a speech evaluation Tuesday with the Department of Developmental Pediatrics and on Thursday he has his yearly follow-up with Neurosurgery. Friday he starts his 16 weeks of occupational therapy. His eating has improved some so we will see how he does.
Friday, August 18, 2017
SmitCo LLC
Quality, affordable gifts for girls ages 2 to 12. SmitCo LLC has several different locked diary sets for girls in Emoji, Diva and Mermaid themes, as well as scrapbook, nail and play dress up sets as well as party favors and to provide hours of fun.
SmitCo products also include rose gold, gold or rhodium plated jewelry and sets, as well as very popular stretch sets for little girls - all packed in cute gift boxes.
Find all the great products here:
We trust you will find some or all gifts here for the princesses on your list!
My readers get to save!
Get 20% Off Entire Cart Of Gifts! Go to: and use coupon code N3CQD6AE on checkout
Check out all the wonderful products they have to offer.
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Steak and shake Experience
As a family we like to eat out sometimes. We like to visit different local favorites, and we have a few local favorites. One of the restaurants we frequent is Steak and Shake located at 10181 Colerain Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45251.
The service there is usually decent but slow. They have been trying to improve on that lately. The workers are usually pretty friendly. Last night we tried to make a trip there as we had a gift card and received a bad experience. It was late, around midnight so at first I tried the drive thru. It was very busy, about 10 cars ahead of me and it wasn't moving at all. I sat for about 10 minutes before deciding to go inside to order where they weren't very busy. I went to order the food at the counter and as I was sitting looking at the menu the lady working the counter very rudely said " you know we are only taking cash right?" I let her know I had a digital gift card and was seeing if it could be typed in since they couldn't swipe cards. She again got rude and told me "it can't be typed in we can only take cash." I was not very happy at the rudeness of this worker.
Today I made a call in to the manager and he was very friendly and helpful. He informed me politely that they had a big card system shutdown last night and the gift cards are part of that. He also said the worker last night should have been polite in her explaining and that she had no need to be rude at all. The manager said although he couldn't fix what we had to miss the night before, he could give us all free shakes on our next trip in. Since we were still wanting Steak and shake we made a dinner trip there and had a great experience. The workers were polite. The service was very fast and our milkshakes and food were amazing. The manager said he has only been there a little over a month and he is trying to turn the store around, and it seems he is doing a good job at trying. I would recommend this restaurant or check out your local Steak and shake.
Where else can a family of 6 eat for $20!! Great food and great prices.
Have you had a bad experience at a restaurant? Leave your thoughts and experiences below.
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Challenger Sports - British Soccer Camp
This was a soccer camp my daughter got to enjoy last month. This was a week long soccer camp and it was great!! My daughter is 7 and she really enjoyed it. She has never played soccer before, so this was a great introduction into the sport of soccer. The people were friendly and helpful. It was summer, so it wasn't as bad, but the hours were a little crazy, right at dinner time and bed time. She loved the ball and jersey she got from the camp. I would definitely recommend this camp to starters and anyone else who loves soccer or wants to know more about soccer.
Get Ready for the 2017 Ohio Renaissance Festival
The 2017 Ohio Renaissance Festival is almost here! Forget your cares and step back in time to this 30-acre re-created 16th Century English village and enjoy over 400 years of fun in a single day! The festival offers something for everyone featuring nearly 100 shows daily on 12 stages, over 150 unique arts and crafts shops, hearty food and drink, games of skill and human-powered rides to amuse all ages.
Over 150 costumed characters welcome you to the village! Rub elbows with Royalty as you cheer your favorite knight to victory in the thrilling Full-armored Tournament Joust. Welcoming you to a festive day in the village are dueling swordsmen, rowdy pirates, nobles, peasants, and daring jugglers. The sprawling landscape is dotted with hundreds of unique shops in the Medieval Marketplace featuring many one-of-a-kind, hand-crafted items. See time-honored crafts of glassblowing, stone carving, blacksmithing, leather tooling, boot making, and more demonstrated. The air is filled with the scents and smells of the foods of the Renaissance period. Feast like Royalty on juicy, giant roasted turkey legs, fresh baked bread bowls overflowing with soups and stews, fish 'n chips, steak-on-a-stake, succulent roasted corn on the cob and a wide variety of the finest ales and wines. There's something for everyone's taste buds!
Visitors of all ages will be amused by the games of skill and human-powered rides. Try your hand at archery and see if you're a modern-day Robin Hood, or climb the castle tower and rescue the lovely damsel in distress.
Get $4 off Adult and $2 off Child tickets by using Promo Code "queen17" when purchasing on our secure website at Tickets valid any day of the 2017 season (Saturdays, Sundays, and Labor Day Sept 2 - Oct 29). Online discount only. Not good with any other offers. .@usfg
Check out the website and see the great themed weekends and all the entertainment there is to offer this year.
Thursday, August 10, 2017
Busy Times
We are almost at the of our journey of waiting and hopefully ready for the next step in our journey. We have 4 days...yes that's right 4 days left until testing results should be in!!! These 6 weeks have been a long hard wait, but at the same time have gone by pretty quickly as things tend to do when you take them one day at a time.
Monday Si, my 2yo had an evaluation with Occupational Therapy. It was mostly because of his feeding issues which he is still having and the feeding team can't get him in until January, so the doctor wanted him evaluated by OT. They want to do another video swallow study since his last one was over a year ago and see if anything is going on there. We are in the process of fighting to get that scheduled as I called today and speech who does the scheduling for that said they hadn't received a referral yet so I figured the OT hadn't called the Dr yet to get the referral so I called myself. Turns out they had gotten the call and had sent the referral over 2 days ago so I guess it got lost somewhere in transit and they resent it today so I should be able to schedule tomorrow. They also want him to do 16 weeks of weekly OT starting September 1 and see where he stands after that.
Today I also took a big step and had an interview. I have been a stay at home mom for about 7 1/2 years now. I have gone to school and gotten my Associates Degree which has been pretty useless to me the past almost 3 years now. I applied for a few part time jobs and actually managed to get an interview at a hospital close to home. I am very pleased with how the interview went and was told my information was being sent to HR and that the would be in contact with me. I am very hopeful that I got this job. It is only 20 hours a week so it will still allow me time to homeschool and run all the doctors appointments and errands still. I am hoping I hear something within the next week or so.
I will keep everyone updated on everything that is to come in the next week or so. Thank you for reading.
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day 3: meaning of my name
A lot of you may be wondering where my blog name came from, how I came up with it. As I have previously mentioned i have 4 kids. They are cu...
We have what society tends to call a "large family." We have 2 adults and 4 kids. I have seen families with way more kids then we ...
I am sure most of you know someone or have a friend or family member that has a child or children with special needs. I also know most of yo...
As a special needs mom this topic comes up very often. Most people who don't deal with special needs often just think of kids in wheelch...