Date Your Mate Month
Foster Care Month
Gifts from the Garden Month
Lupus Awareness Month
National Barbecue Month
National Bike Month
National Blood Pressure Month
National Hamburger Month
National Photograph Month
National Recommitment Month
National Salad Month
Older Americans Month
Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Better Hearing and Speech Month
Clean Air Month
Mental Health Awareness Month
National Arthritis Month (United States)
National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month (United States)
National Physical Fitness and Sports Month (United States)
National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month (United States)
American Stroke Awareness Month
Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month
Food Allergy Action Month
National Celiac Disease Awareness Month
Nurse's Week - first full week of month
Wildflower Week - week two
National Bike Week - third week
National Police Week - third week of month
Emergency Medical Services Week - fourth week of month
National Physical Education and Sport Week (May 1–7)
North American Occupational Safety and Health Week (May 3–9)
National Hurricane Preparedness Week (May 3–9)
National Neuropathy Awareness Week (May 4–10)
National Women’s Health Week (May 10–16)
National Stuttering Awareness Week (May 11–17)
Food Allergy Awareness Week (May 12–18)
National Alcohol- and Other Drug-Related Birth Defects Awareness Week (May 13–19)
May 1
International Tuba Day- recognizes musicians around the world who struggle with the weight and size of their big instrument.
Loyalty Day- dating back to the 1920s it is an opportunity to express and reaffirm our loyalty to our country.
May Day- It has a number of meanings. In many other countries it is a celebration of spring and the coming of summer. It is celebrated with many spring flowers, many of them blooming right in your own backyard. To communist and socialist countries, it is a celebration for the workers. In many countries it is celebrated as part of a one to three day holiday. Of particular note, it is not a national holiday in the United States, except in Hawaii where it is known as "Lei Day".
Mother Goose Day- created only recently, as a day to appreciate nursery rhymes and stories.
Save the Rhino Day- encourages us to be aware of, and support efforts to save the Rhinoceros from extinction. Did you know? The horn of the Rhinoceros is composed of the same material as your fingernail. You can enjoy Save the Rhino Day in a variety of ways. Watch documentaries on the Rhinoceros. Visit Rhinos at a zoo. Better still, go on a safari to see one! You can also donate to groups working towards preserving the Rhinoceros.
Space Day- gives you the opportunity participate in the excitement and fascination of space. It's a topic of interest to millions, old and young alike. It's a topic as broad as the universe. Former astronaut and Senator John Glenn expanded Space Day to International Space Day in 2001. Originally started to get America's youth interested in math and science, Space Day focuses upon creating an interest and awareness of all kinds of topics and issues related to space. Visit a science center, or observatory. Get out your telescope and view the heavens. Watch television documentaries on space. Make this a fun day and create your own celebration with your kids or in the workplace.
National College Decision Day
World Lyme Day
May 2
Baby Day
Brothers and Sisters Day- a day to cherish your siblings. Don't have a brother or sister? Become a "Big Brother" or Big Sister". Chances are, there is an organization in your area. And, they need your help.
Free Comic Book Day- an annual promotional effort by the North American Comic Book industry to help bring new readers into independent comic book stores. At last count, over 2,000 retailers in 30 countries participate in this fun filled day.
Kentucky Derby Day-
May 3
Garden Meditation Day
Lumpy Rug Day
World Press Freedom Day

May 4
Bird Day
National Candied Orange Peel Day
Renewal Day
Star Wars Day
May 5
Cinco de Mayo
National Hoagie Day
National Teacher's Day
Oyster Day
World Asthma Day- started by the Global Initiative for Asthma in 1998 as a way to raise awarness about the disease and improve its care.
World Hand Hygiene Day
May 6
Beverage Day- BE BOLD! Take advantage of Beverage Day to try a beverage that you have never had before.
National Tourist Appreciation Day
National Nurses Day
No Diet Day
May 7
National Tourism Day
National Day of Prayer- an annual holiday that serves to encourage Americans to pray, meditate and repent. It is also used to draw awareness to prayer and religious beliefs.
May 8
Child Care Provider Day or Daycare Provider Day
Iris Day
Military Spouses Day
National Outdoor Intercourse Day
No Socks Day
V-E Day- Victory in Europe Day (V-E Day) commemorates the end of fighting in Europe during World War II.
World Red Cross Day / World Red Crescent Day
May 9
Birth Mother's Day
International Migratory Bird Day
Lost Sock Memorial Day
National Train Day
National Windmill Day
Cornelia de Lange Syndrome Awareness Day
May 10
Clean up Your Room Day
Lilac Sunday- Lilac Sunday is celebrated with hugely popular springtime festivals and special events. Annual Lilac festivals have been held for over a hundred years.
Mother's Day
World Lupus Day
May 11
Eat What You Want Day
Twilight Zone Day
World Fair Trade Day
May 12
Fatigue Syndrome Day
International Nurses Day
Limerick Day
ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia International Awareness Day
May 13
Frog Jumping Day
Leprechaun Day
National Receptionist Day
School Nurses Day
May 14
Dance Like a Chicken Day
May 15
National Bike to Work Day
National Chocolate Chip Day
Police Officer's Memorial Day
Endangered Species Day
International Day of Families
May 16
Armed Forces Day
Love a Tree Day
National Sea Monkey Day
Wear Purple for Peace Day
International Day of Light
May 17
Pack Rat Day
World Telecommunication and Information Society Day
Endangered Species Day
May 18
International Museum Day
No Dirty Dishes Day
Victoria Day(Canada)
Visit Your Relatives Day
HIV Vaccine Awareness Day
May 19
Boy's Club Day
World Plant a Vegetable Garden Day
May 20
Be a Millionaire Day
Pick Strawberries Day
National Rescue Dog Day
World Bee Day
AiArthritis Day. International event to raise awareness about AUTOimmune & AUTOinflammatory diseases.
May 21
National Memo Day
National Waiters and Waitresses Day
Ascension- commemorates the day that Jesus ascended into Heaven (Acts 1:1-11) after spending 40 days appearing to his disciples after his resurrection.
Red Nose Day- funded by the British charity Comic Relief. The first ever Red Nose Day occurred on February 8th, 1988. The first event raised 15 million British pounds. The goal of the fund-raising event is to change the lives of poor and disadvantaged people.
World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development - recognizes and celebrates the world’s cultural diversity. The day also promotes that every culture or religion should be accepted. The observance was approved by the United Nations General Assembly in 2002.
May 22
Buy a Musical Instrument Day
Don't Fry Friday- a very important day for you and your skin. A little sunshine is good for you. It provides important vitamin D, and sunshine brightens your mood. It's over exposure that damages your skin, and can result in skin cancer.
World Goth Day
International Day for Biological Diversity- aims to raise awareness and understanding of biological diversity and issues surrounding it. The day also serves to highlight possible strategies to protect biodiversity, which refers to the variety of life on the planet.
World Preeclampsia Day
May 23
International Jazz Day
Lucky Penny Day
World Turtle Day- a celebration started by the American Tortoise Rescue in 2000 to raise awareness about turtles and tortoises.
May 24
National Escargot Day
Brother's Day
May 25
Memorial Day
National Missing Children's Day
National Brown Bag It Day
National Towel Day - in the UK
National Wine Day
Tap Dance Day
May 26
Sally Ride Day
May 27
Sun Screen Day
May 28
Amnesty International Day- recognizes the need to protect human rights around the world.
National Hamburger Day
May 29
Learn About Composting Day
May 30
Mint Julep Day
Water a Flower Day
World MS Day- a day created by the MS International Federation to raise awareness about multiple sclerosis. There's a campaign each year with a particular theme.
World Otter Day
May 31
National Macaroon Day
Save Your Hearing Day
World No Tobacco Day
Pentecost- commemorates when Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to be with the disciples (Acts 2). With the Holy Spirit among the disciples, the church was born.
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