Green Kid Crafts

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Beachin Event

Hey everyone come check out this awesome giveaway. Make sure to tell all your friends about it.

Summer Is HERE And So Is The Beachin' Event!!

Andersons Angels, Joy Of Momma Joyner and The More The Merrier love the Summer Season! To celebrate, they have teamed up with an awesome group of bloggers and wonderful sponsors to bring you great products that anyone would need for a great beach trip or beach themed party! ONE WINNER will walk away with this whole prize package worth over $800!
The Prize Package includes items from these sponsors:
beachin collage
Block Island Organics – SPF 15 Lotion and After Sun Gel – $46
Dream Team Pets – Dream Pet of Choice – $20
Blue Rhino – Mr BarBQ Grill Tool Set – $
Frogglez - Frogglez Goggles of Choice – $20
The Orb Factory – Make Your Own Glitter Chalk Set – $15
Wusic – Power Bank Charger – $50
Pint Size Projects – Beach Theme Activity Kit – $28
Kiss My Itch Goodbye – Itch Cream – $9
Boogie Board– Jot 8.5 eWriter– $38
Sand Gone – Sand Gone – $15
Margaritaville – Bali Drink Maker – $400
ezydog - dog life vest – $42
Coleman – puddle jumper – $20
Chichanella Bella – Sunkissed Sweetheart Swim Suit & Bonnett – $98
Beach Road Designs - Beach Sheet - $49
So, what do you think? Ready to enter? It’s simple! Just fill out the Giveaway Tools Form below. There are plenty of entry options, and the more you do, the better your chances of winning are!
The Beachin' Event Prize Package is open to all legal residents of the United States who are 18-years-old or older. This event will run from 12:00am EST Monday, July 28, 2014 through 11:59pm EST Monday, August 11, 2014. Best Of Luck!
DIsclosure: Anderson's Angels, Joy Of Momma Joyner, The More The Merrier, and all other participating bloggers are not responsible for prize fulfillment. The sponsors will send the prizes directly to the winner. We are also not responsible for any unfortunate accidents that result from the use of any of these products.

Friday, July 25, 2014

All About Epilepsy and Seizures

People who do not deal with Epilepsy and seizures normally just think of Grand Mal seizures. Many do not realize that Epilepsy and seizures are so much more than that. I know before I became a mom of a child with Epilepsy I never realized how much was involved and how many different types of seizures there are. 

First off what is Epilepsy? Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that can affect both sexes, and people of all ages and races. It is characterized by unpredictable seizures, but can involve other health problems. There are also different syndromes associated with Epilepsy. Epilepsy is a spectrum condition with a wide range of seizure types and control varying from person-to-person. Having seizures and epilepsy also can also affect one's safety, relationships, work, driving and so much more. How epilepsy is perceived or how people are treated (stigma) often is a bigger problem than the seizures.  

How is Epilepsy diagnosed? A person is diagnosed with epilepsy if they have had at least two seizures that were not caused by some known and reversible medical condition. Usually an EEG, CT Scan, or an MRI is done. Blood tests may also be done to check for certain medical conditions. 

What are the different types of seizures? 
                           1. Absence seizures- Absence seizures are lapses of awareness, sometimes with staring. They begin and end abruptly, lasting only a few seconds. They can be so brief that they may go on for a while without being detected. They are most common in children ages 4-14. These seizures are also called petit mal seizures. There are two types of absence seizures:
Simple absence seizures in which a person usually just stares into space for less than 10 seconds. Because they happen so quickly, it’s very easy not to notice simple absence seizures — or to confuse them with daydreaming or not paying attention.There is also Complex absence seizures in which a person will make some kind of movement in addition to staring into space. Movements may include blinking, chewing, or hand gestures. A complex absence seizure can last up to 20 seconds. When an absence seizure ends, the person usually continues doing whatever they were doing before the seizure. They are almost always wide awake and able to think clearly. No first aid is needed because of the seizure.
                      2. Atypical Absence seizure- this type is similar to an absence seizure, but may last a bit longer and a person may be more responsive. Blinking or slight jerking movements of the lips may occur and may be difficult to tell the difference between this and there reguar behavior. They usually last 5-30 seconds. Many children also have Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome.Medicine can help prevent atypical absence seizures. When an atypical absence seizure ends, the person usually continues doing whatever they were doing before the seizure. They are awake. No first aid is needed during the seizure. Atypical absence seizures may cause someone to:Have trouble learning at school, Have social problems or Misbehave more than normal. 
                      3. Atonic seizures- These types of seizures are often called drop seizures. The person loses their muscle tone. Their head might just fall, or sometimes they may fall limply to the ground from standing. The person usually remains conscious. These seizures typically last less than 15 seconds. They often start in childhood yet last into adulthood. Many people with atonic seizures are injured when they fall, so they may choose to use protection such as a helmet. These types of seizures usually begin in childhood and continue on through adulthood. When an atonic seizure ends, the person may or may not be confused. Because these seizures often results in falls, first aid may be necessary especially if the seizure led to an injury or bruise. 
                     4. Clonic seizures- these are a rare type of seizure and JUST involve repeated jerking movements. More commonly they are combined with Tonic seizures into Tonic-Clonic seizures which I will be describing later. When a clonic seizure ends, the person may simply continue what they are doing. First aid is not a typical requirement for this seizure type. They can occur at any age, including newborns.
                     5.  Myoclonic seizures- Myoclonic seizures are brief shock-like jerks of a muscle or group of muscles.They occur in a variety of epilepsy syndromes that have different characteristics. During a myoclonic seizure, the person is usually awake and able to think clearly. Sometimes just one happens, or there may be a few together. Even people without Epilepsy can experience these types, such as that sudden jerk as you are falling asleep that might wake you up or a hiccup. In epilepsy, myoclonic seizures usually cause abnormal movements on both sides of the body at the same time. They occur in a variety of epilepsy syndromes that have different characteristics:
Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy: The seizures usually involve the neck, shoulders, and upper arms. In many patients the seizures most often occur soon after waking up. They usually begin around puberty or sometimes in early adulthood in people with a normal range of intelligence. In most cases, these seizures can be well controlled with medication but it must be continued throughout life.
Lennox-Gastaut syndrome: This is an uncommon syndrome that usually includes other types of seizures as well. It begins in early childhood. The myoclonic seizures usually involve the neck, shoulders, upper arms, and often the face. They may be quite strong and are difficult to control.
Progressive myoclonic epilepsy: The rare syndromes in this category feature a combination of myoclonic seizures and tonic-clonic seizures. Treatment is usually not successful for very long, as the patient deteriorates over time.
When a myoclonic seizure ends, the person usually continues doing whatever they were doing before and during the seizure. They are awake and able to think clearly. No first aid is needed because of this seizure.
                  6. Tonic seizures- In a tonic seizure, the body arms or legs make sudden stiffening movements. The person usually doesn't lose consciousness. Tonic seizures most often occur during sleep and usually involve all or most of the brain, affecting both sides of the body. They usually last at most 20 second. Most commonly these seizures occur in people with  Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. When a tonic seizure ends, the person may or may not be sleepy or confused. Typically no first aid is needed unless an injury has occurred as a result of the seizures.
                 7. Tonic-clonic seizures: This is the type of seizure most people think about. They are known as Grand Mal seizures. A person loses consciousness, muscles stiffen, and jerking movements are seen.These types of seizures usually last 1 to 3 minutes and take much longer for a person to recover. A tonic clonic seizure lasting more than 5 minutes is a medical emergency.A seizure that lasts more than 10 minutes, or three seizures without a normal period in between, indicates a dangerous condition called convulsive status epilepticus. This requires emergency treatment. DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT try to put anything in the mouth of a person having a seizure. They will not swallow their tongue and trying to put something in their mouth may cause injury to them. This type of seizure can occur in all ages. When people have tonic clonic seizures, they are not aware of what’s going on around them. These seizures may require first aid including making certain that the person is breathing and there are no injuries. After the seizure has occurred, the person may be sleepy or confused for several minutes or longer. They may have lost bowel or bladder function. They also may have bitten their tongue.
               8. Simple Partial Seizures: These types of seizures are divided into 4 categories. They are often the "aura" to a bigger seizure.  The first category is motor seizures. These cause a change in muscle activity. For example, a person may have abnormal movements such as jerking of a finger or stiffening of part of the body.
The movements may spread, either staying on one side of the body or extending to both sides. Other examples are weakness, which can even affect speech, and coordinated actions such as laughter or automatic hand movements. The second is sensory seizures. During these seizures people may hear, taste, or smell things that aren't really there. Some may even be painful to the person. They may even have visual hallucinations or distortions of senses. A third category is psychic seizures. These seizures change how people think, feel, or experience things.They may have problems with memory, garbled speech, an inability to find the right word, or trouble understanding spoken or written language. They may suddenly feel emotions like fear, depression, or happiness with no outside reason. Some may feel as though they are outside their body or may have feelings of déja vu ("I've been through this before") or jamais vu ("This is new to me"— even though the setting is really familiar). The last type is autonomic seizures. These cause changes in the part of the nervous system that automatically controls bodily functions.These common seizures may include strange or unpleasant sensations in the stomach, chest, or head; changes in the heart rate or breathing; sweating; or goose bumps.
When a simple partial seizure ends, the person more often than not simply continues doing whatever they were doing before it started. If the simple partial seizure is an aura (a warning) a stronger seizure with loss of consciousness may follow. No first aid is needed for a simple partial seizure.
                 9. Complex partial seizure: Complex partial seizures last 1 to 2 minutes.These seizures may have an aura (or warning). Partial seizures are called so because they only involve part of the brain. Complex Partial Seizures include automatisms (such as lip smacking, picking at clothes, fumbling), unaware of surroundings or may wander. In these types of seizures some people may think the person is just daydreaming. They might go through the motions but in reality "no one is home." Some people can have seizures of this kind without realizing anything has happened. The seizure can wipe out memories of events just before or after it. Some of these seizures (usually ones beginning in the temporal lobe) start with a simple partial seizure,then the person loses awareness and stares blankly. Most people move their mouth, pick at the air or their clothing, or perform other purposeless actions. These movements are called "automatisms" .Less often, people may repeat words or phrases, laugh, scream, or cry. Some people do things during these seizures that can be dangerous or embarrassing, such as walking into traffic or taking their clothes off. These people need to take precautions in advance. When a complex partial seizure ends, the person may be tired or confused for about 15 minutes and may not be fully normal for hours. First aid may be necessary if an injury has occurred.
                      10. Secondarily Generalized Seizures- These seizures are called secondary generalized because they start in one area and spread to both sides of the brain. They usually last 1 to 3 minutes, but it may take a lot longer for a person to recover. The seizure may begin with an aura or simple partial seizure or they begin with a complex partial that continues and changes into the secondary generalized seizure. The secondary generalized part begins usually with stiffening of the muscles. Air being forced past the vocal cords causes a cry or groan. The person loses consciousness and falls to the floor. The tongue or cheek may be bitten, so bloody saliva may come from the mouth. The person may turn a bit blue in the face.
After the tonic phase comes the clonic phase. The arms and usually the legs begin to jerk rapidly and rhythmically, bending and relaxing at the elbows, hips, and knees. After a few minutes, the jerking slows and stops. Bladder or bowel control sometimes is lost as the body relaxes. Consciousness returns slowly, and the person may be drowsy, confused, agitated, or depressed. They cna be hard to differentiate from a tonic-clonic seizure. Most convulsive seizures during sleep are secondarily generalized seizures that do begin as partial seizures. After the seizure, consciousness returns slowly and the person may be drowsy, confused, agitated or depressed immediately after the seizure. If the person does not return to normal, or if another seizure occurs before they return to normal, this may be a sign of an emergency situation known as status epilepticus that requires immediate attention in a hospital. Call 911. 
             11. Febrile Seizures: these seizures are ones that occur with a fever.  These occur in children ages 3 months -6 years and occur in 2-5% of all children. They are more likely to happen if there is a family history. Sometimes the seizure comes "out of the blue." A fever may begin silently in a previously healthy child and a seizure can be the first sign that alerts the family that the child is ill. Febrile seizures cannot be prevented by giving the child lukewarm baths, applying cool cloths to the child's head or body, or using fever-reducing medications such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin). Doing these things may make a feverish child feel better, but they do not prevent febrile seizures. During a seizure, place the child on his or her side on a protected surface and observe carefully. Keep track of the time, and if the seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes, call 911 or take the child to an emergency facility if you can do so safely.Most children who have febrile seizures do not require daily treatment with seizure medicines. Some children who have repeated episodes of multiple febrile seizures are treated with phenobarbital, Depakote (valproate) or another seizure medicine, which reduces the risk of having more seizures.Among children who have their first febrile seizure before their first birthday, half will have at least one more. Among children who are older than 1 year when the first seizure occurs, about 1 in 4 will have more.The long-term outlook is excellent, however. The vast majority of children with febrile seizures do not have seizures without fever after age 5.
         12. Non-epilepsy seizures: Non-epileptic events (also called non-epilepsy seizures) are not caused by electrical activity in the brain.Events that look like seizures but are not due to epilepsy are called "nonepileptic seizures." A common type is described as psychogenic , which means beginning in the mind. Psychogenic seizures are caused by subconscious thoughts, emotions or 'stress', not abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Doctors consider most of them psychological in nature, but not purposely produced. Usually the person is not aware that the spells are not "epileptic." The term "pseudoseizures" has also been used  to refer to these events.
        13. refractory seizures: refractory seizures are seizures that are uncontrolled. First it's important to make sure that the diagnosis of epilepsy is correct and that the proper medicines are being used in the best way for each person. The individual with epilepsy needs to look at things they can do to better control their seizures, such as remembering medicines, staying in good health, getting good sleep, minimizing stress and avoiding seizure-precipitating conditions.Non-drug therapies, such as epilepsy surgery, vagus nerve stimulation, responsive neurostimulation, dietary therapies, or experimental clinical trials, may be good options for some people. Only 5% of people (1 out of 20) with refractory epilepsy get better each year. The biggest hope is for new therapies to prevent and cure epilepsy! 
       14. Gelastic and Dacrystic seizures: Gelastic seizures are also called laughing seizures because they may look like bouts of uncontrolled laughter or giggling. However, the laughter-like sounds are often forced and combined with a facial contraction similar to a smile or smirk. In some children, the vocalization has a crying quality and the facial contraction resembles a grimace. These crying seizures are called dacrystic seizures.

There are many different Epilepsy syndromes. Check out this link that will tell you about the different types. 

What triggers seizures? Not all have known trigger, but some people may notice that something sets them off. This can help them to know when one is coming. Some known triggers are: 

  • Specific time of day or night
  • Sleep deprivation – overtired, not sleeping well, not getting enough sleep
  • At times of fevers or other illnesses
  • Flashing bright lights or patterns
  • Alcohol or drug use
  • Stress
  • Associated with menstrual cycle (women) or other hormonal changes
  • Not eating well, low blood sugar
  • Specific foods, excess caffeine or other products that may aggravate seizures
  • Use of certain medications

some Epilepsy Statistics:
The average incidence of epilepsy each year in the U. S is estimated at 150,000 or 48 for every 100,000 people.
The incidence of epilepsy is higher in young children and older adults. This means that epilepsy starts more often in these age groups.
When the incidence of epilepsy is looked at over a lifetime, 1 in 26 people will develop epilepsy at sometime in their life.

Know you know and I hope it helps you to spread awareness and not be so afraid or judgemental. Seizures impact their lives in many ways including creating barriers to employment and education and facing a sense of discrimination and isolation from their peers who donʼt understand what happens when they see a seizure occur. We would love to be able to break down these barriers. Please help us!!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Have kids clothes you need to sell?

I am sure many of us have our kids clothes stored at home and could probably get rid of a bunch. Want to buy a whole seasons worth of kids clothes at one time in one place? Check out

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Earth's best Review- Great for kids of all ages, is organic, and great even for special needs children

Disclaimer: I did receive free products to try and review but all opinions are mine and my childrens.

I have used Earth's Best baby foods, but have never, until now, tried any of their other foods. I was so happy when I received my box and opened it.

There were so many things to try and my kids were jumping up and down and yelling as they were so excited to try them all. The first thing they tried was the Organic Sunny Days Snack Bars in the apple flavor. Me, and all 3 kids, ages 4,3, and 1 enjoyed these. They had great flavor and were soft and easy to bite and chew and swallow. They were a little dry though so I would recommend a drink like water, milk, or juice to go along with them. These are great for breakfast or just as a snack. They are individually wrapped and come 8 in a package. They are made with organic ingredients and no artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives. 

They decided a nice dinner would consist of  Mini Meals Sweet and Sour Chicken. This has chicken with whole grain rice and vegetables. This is the perfect meal for a toddler. It has a great portion size and a flavor all 3 children enjoyed. They are also easy to prepare. Pop in the microwave for a minute and they are ready. They are an excellent source of vitamin A. 1/3 of the meal is vegetables by weight. There is 0g Trans Fat, no artificial colors and no preservatives. 

I know a lot of kids like the puffs in different flavors that are made by store brands or Gerber. Earth's Best makes Pop snax. They come in a variety of flavors such as apple cinnamon, graham, sweet potato cinnamon (one we got to try), Veggie Crisp (which we also got to try), and 2 yogurt puffs in blueberry and peach flavors. The flavors we got to try were eaten very quickly. These snax are bigger than puffs and are more in a wheel shape. They are also organic. These are a great snack and great for on the go. Just pop open the top and let them enjoy. 

My son Louie is 20 months and he has special needs. He loves to eat purees and loves the little squeeze packets. He was happy to receive some of these in the box to try in a variety of flavors. These come in a variety of flavors in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd foods as well as fruit and yogurt smoothies for toddlers and kids. He loves eating these. They are great for babies and toddler and special needs children. They can be fed to them, or allow them to feed themselves keeping the mess limited. They are also great snacks for on the go. 

Eggplant, Spinach, Carrot, & Lentil puree. Stage 2, made for 6 months and older. 
  • USDA Certified Organic
  • 2 grams of protein per serving
  • 2 grams of fiber per serving
  • BPA-free packaging
  • Unsweetened & Unsalted

Pumpkin and Spinach. Stage 2, made for 6 months and up. 

  • USDA Organic Certified
  • 25% Daily Value Vitamin A, Vitamin E and Zinc
  • 45% Daily Value of Vitamin C
  • No Artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives
  • Non BPA Packaging

SUPER Pomegranate Cranberry Apple, Stage 2

  • Powerful benefits of antioxidants
  • Great tasting fruity flavors
  • Unique blends of superfruits include cranberries and pomegranate
  • Delicious, convenient nutritious snack
  • USDA Certified Organic

SUPER Cherry blueberry Pear, Stage 2

  • Powerful benefits of antioxidants
  • Great tasting fruity flavors
  • Unique blends of superfruits include pear, cherry, and blueberry
  • Delicious, convenient nutritious snack
  • USDA Certified Organic

Apple Peach Oatmeal Fruit and Grain puree, stage 2

  • USDA organic certified
  • 25% or more of the Daily Value of Zinc and Vitamins A & E
  • 45% Daily Value of Vitamin C
  • No artificial flavors, color or preservatives
  • Kosher certified
  • Refrigerate after opening
  • Convenient squeezable, resealable pouch
  • Perfect for on the go

Organic Fruit Yogurt Smoothie Strawberry Banana, toddler and child

  • USDA Organic Certified
  • Excellent Source of Vitamin C & D
  • Excellent Source of Calcium
  • No Artificial Flavors, Colors or Preservatives
  • Kosher Certified
  • Convenient Resealable Pouch

Louie says they are tasty.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Doc Mcstuffins Girls Disney costume Review

Disclaimer: I did receive this product to review for free, but all opinions are my own.

My daughter's love Doc McStuffins and I figured this would be a great dress-up opportunity for them and even a Halloween Costume. I went to and found the costume they would like. Once ordered it took 1 week to arrive. Opening it was so exciting knowing my girls would be so excited. The costume is a great choice. It includes the striped shirt-dress, the pants, the doctor jacket, the stethoscope, and the headband. It is a great value. The shirt is a little difficult to put on over top of another shirt, but not as hard without a shirt on. The pants go on easily as well as the doctor jacket. I recieved the size large which fits 4-6x which seems to be pretty true to size. My daughters put this on were running around, jumping, climbing, being kids as they are 3 and 4 and this costume is able to hold up to a kid being a kid. They absolutely love it. We even went and played Doc games at . They love playing Doc games as well as other Disney Junior games at this site. This costume is a great option if your daughter likes to play dress up or it is a great option for a Halloween costume. This costume is well made and seems to hold up to everything. It will be used as a play costume for now and as long as it holds up like I believe it will, it will be used as a Halloween Costume for Bella. I will definitely be shopping from Halloween Adventures again and will probably be buying Halloween costumes for Kaya and Louie from them. I might even be looking into them for more dress up costumes as my kids love Disney and dressing up. The Dress, Coat, Leggings, and Headband are all 100% Polyester. The stethoscope is 100 Plastic -Polyvinyl Chloride.
Click here for more costumes 

Play with Doc

Bella as doc McStuffins, age 4

Kaya as Doc mcStuffins, age 3

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Louie: 20 months strong

Today Louie is 20 months. Louie has roseola :-( poor baby can't catch a break... I have been thinking in the past 20 months he has had about 5 upper respiratory infections 1 which landed him in the picu on a vent and one that had him in the hospital on oxygen, bacterial meningitis, viral meningitis, pneumonia, roseola, multiple fevers of unknown causes, 3 ear infections, he is developmentally delayed, has epilepsy, has feeding problems, has hypotonia, has failure to thrive, has problems with his ears, he has an umbilical hernia, he has sensory processing disorder...i know there are kids way worse than he is, but it makes me feel so bad he has been through so much in a short 20 months. He is currently 26lb and 32 inches tall. He can walk but is still really wobbly and falls a lot still. He says mama, dada, and no. He usually just prefers to scream and squeal.

Myrtle Beach, SC

It has been a while since I visited Myrtle Beach, 3 years actually, but I still remember the details. We stayed at Wyndham Seawatch Plantation. This is a Wyndham Vacation Resort. It was wonderful. They have rooms that are actually like apartments instead of a hotel room. They have 1-3 bedrooms with 1-2 bathrooms, a full kitchen, washer and dryer, wifi, and cable TV. The resort offers beach access, 5 outdoor swimming pools, 2 indoor swimming pools, indoor children's pool, 2 lazy rivers, daily activity programs, a fitness room, 2 indoor hot tubs, 9 outdoor hot tubs, Board Games, Pool Toys, and Sports Balls Available for Check Out, restaurant, game room, tiki bar, and help with activities off site. The resort is located right on the beach with beautiful views.

One place we visited was Barefoot Landing. This area offers shopping, dining, and entertainment. Dining includes House of Blues, Castano's Italian Steakhouse, Dick's Last Resort, Flying Fish Public Market and Grill, Joe's Crab Shack, Johnny Rockets, and much more. There are also places to just grab a quick bite like Auntie Anne's Pretzels, Funnel Cake Island, River Street Sweets and many more. We decided to dine at Johnny Rockets and Dick's Last Resort. Johnny Rockets was amazing. The food was amazing. They have your typical American fare such as hamburgers and fries and shakes. They are more than just an eatery, they are also entertaining. Every 1/2 hour the employees get together and DANCE! I do not want to ruin the surprise, but Dick's Last Resort is a must see eatery. It is definitely not your typical restaurant. If you get embarrassed easily I would not visit this restaurant, but if you like to have fun it is a must! As far as attractions go they have a 7D cinema (4D screen plus 9 physical effects on every single seat.), Alligator Adventure with over 700 alligators and crocodiles, extremely rare exotic snakes, lizards, tropical birds, tortoises, albino alligators, and komodo dragons with live shows and demonstrations to thrill all ages; a marina, House of Blues, Old Tyme photos, Alabama Theater, Barefoot Carousel, a Mirror Maze, and T.I.G.E.R.S / Preservation Station where you can  watch the cubs and the large cats as they interact and play or have your picture taken with a cub or two and maybe even an ape while helping endangered animals. Shopping comes in all forms from Sunglass Hut to The Olive Shop, Inner Island Surf & Sport Resortwear to Christmas Mouse and SC Jewelers to Burlington shoes. There is something for everyone to do here. 

Another great place we visited was Broadway at the Beach. They have attractions such as Wonderworks, Broadway Grand Prix, Carolina Comedy Club, Dragon's Lair Fantasy Golf, Encounters: UFO Experience, Hollywood Wax Museum, Myrtle Waves Water Park, Pavillion Park which features kiddie rides, Ripley's Aquarium and more. They have restaurants such as Hard Rock Cafe, Jimmy Buffets Margaritaville, Joe's Crab Shack, Johnny Rockets, Landry's Seafood, and much more to choose from as well as places to grab a snack. There is also a variety of shopping to choose from as well. Everyone of all ages will be entertained. 

Monday, July 7, 2014

Special Needs Awareness-Not All Disabilities Are Visable

As a special needs mom this topic comes up very often. Most people who don't deal with special needs often just think of kids in wheelchairs or kids with something visually different such as Down Syndrome. They often forget about the disabilities that are not very visual or may not always be seen. My son has Epilepsy, Failure to Thrive, Global Developmental Delays, Speech and Language Delays, Sensory Processing Disorder, feeding problems, he has 3 genetic mutations, low muscle tone, and gets sick easily. He does wear braces on his feet, but on first look at him you cannot tell there is anything wrong with him, but at 20 months old he has gone through a lot more than most people go through in their lifetimes. Kids like my son with the invisible disabilities often get looked down upon. If a child with SPD or Autism has a sensory overload and has a meltdown, people who don't understand just look at them and think they are being bad or that the parent is a bad parent and not controlling them. This is NOT true. This child cannot control this. Imagine what they feel. To them just a few people talking mixed with the radio in the store and hearing the registers beeping is like a concert standing right next to the speakers with someone pounding on your head. They get overwhelmed easily. There may be too much sound, smells may be too strong, the lights may be too bright. These children and their parents are in no way bad. You cannot see genetics. Sure some genetic problems such as Down Syndrome or other Trisomies have a certain look to them, most genetic problems do not. Other things such as epilepsy, cystic fibrosis, gastroperesis, autism, heart defects, intestinal issues, failure to thrive they do not have a certain look to them. You cannot look at someone and tell they have these problems, but just because you cannot see it doesn't mean it is not there. Many moms are accused of having Munchausen by Proxy because people cannt physically see what is wrong with these children. Sure there are mom's out there that do make these things up, which is sad, but for those of us really dealing with it why would you want to make these things up? Do you really think we want our children to have to see Dr after Dr, get test after test done, be in the hospital and watch them suffer? NO! Also, with some of these problems kids have good days and bad. You might see them playing like a normal child one day and then the next they are in the hospital. No we are not making it up, no we are not making them sick. These kids can change so quickly and often. Another thing that is often said as far as failure to thrive goes is "your child doesn't look sick." "just feed your child" "they are just small it's ok." "they are bigger than my child they dont have FTT." first off there is a difference between a child who is just small and a child with FTT. A child can be small, but still be on their curve. A child with FTT may be completely off the charts, and often drop off curves they do not stay on a growth curve. My son's curve looks more like a printout from a heart monitor. Also you cannot force a child to eat who cannot eat. Also many of these children have problems eating. they may have problems chewing and swallowing, they may have low muscle tone in their mouth, they may aspirate and cannot eat without getting sick. They may also have gut problems such as gastroperesis. A child with developmental delays is not dumb. They may just have physical limitations. They may be delays in fine motor, gross motor, speech and language or in all areas. You cannot tell just by looking at them. Some may wear braces or may use a wheelchair. Some kids may only need assistance some of the time. Just because a child can walk, they may need to use a wheelchair at times. This is not to get sympathy and it is not for fun. They might tire easily or it may be for their safety. They may run away if not restrained or they might have seizures and need protection. They might be able to walk, but long distances they cannot do.  Last but not least... Im not here to compete with other mamas about whos kid has the most health problems, whos kid is the sickest, whos kid is on the most meds or has the most therapies etc!!! This is not a contest. We all fight our own battles and should be here to support each other, not compete. I really just wish people would really step foot into a mothers shoes who has a special needs child and all the challenges and heartaches we go through

day 3: meaning of my name

A lot of you may be wondering where my blog name came from, how I came up with it. As I have previously mentioned i have 4 kids. They are cu...