Green Kid Crafts

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Challenge day 7: Most Embarrassing Moment

I can easily pick out my most embarrassing moment. When I was younger in like 6th grade my mom won a contest on the radio. We got to go to Kings Island for the day and go to a concert of Billy Gilman. At the end of the night we got to meet Billy and ride on the Beast with him. Well when it came to my time to meet him me and my mom were both nervous. My mom was trying to hurry and take pictures. This was before cell phones were really good with pictures and so she was using cameras. She ended up rushing too much and flashed the camera in her face. She was blinded for a minute and I was trying to tell her to hurry and she was saying she couldn't see. Billy started laughing and i felt like I was about 2 inches tall.

What is your embarrassing story?

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