Crazy Mommy
Mommy blogger of 4 crazy kiddos.. Reviews, travel ideas, special needs awareness and more. Some posts may contain affiliate links but all reviews are my thoughts.
Monday, October 4, 2021
day 3: meaning of my name
day 2: 20 facts about me
1. I have Irish twins
day 1: reintroduction
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Oscar’s 8th birthday in Heaven
Saturday, September 11, 2021
another IVF update
Hello everyone. Figured I would update everyone on where we are with IVF. My husband’s genetic results came back that he is not a carrier of the same things I am so no further testing is needed on that front. That doesn’t mean nothing can happen as my husband does have HLHS and cleft lip and palate, but that will be checked once we are pregnant and get far enough along. As for now my medicines have been ordered and are awaiting shipment. We are just waiting on my next cycle to start which should be around October 5. This will put our retrieval around October 18 and the transfer around the 23. If this results in a pregnancy we will be due July 2022!!! I will keep everyone updated as things progress.
Saturday, July 31, 2021
ivf update
Well it’s been a little bit since I first posted about our IVF journey. We had our consultation back at the end of June. They ordered a genetic carrier screening test for me to see if I was a carrier for anything on that screen and it did come back that I am a carrier for two different things on there that can both potentially be very life-threatening. So the next step is going to be to test my husband to see if he is also a carrier for those things. After we do that we will finish up our blood test and the semen analysis then go from there. We will hopefully be ready for a transfer around October or November.
I will attach a picture that tells you what the two things are that I am a carrier for. I could also potentially be a carrier for other things as well as my husband just things that they don’t test for on that screen especially my husband with him having the hypoplastic left heart syndrome and the cleft lip and palate so we have a lot of decisions to make but also depends on what the semen analysis says because he potentially could not have the ability to have kids.
Sunday, April 25, 2021
Practice Makes Perfect During the Pandemic
Have your kids been missing out on dance lessons? While the pandemic has thrown off
everyone’s regimen, that doesn’t mean you can’t keep up a semblance of your old routine. In
fact, now might be the ideal time to set up a studio space to play with some styles — try a few
new steps and work on your form. While it won’t replace formal instruction, when you can return
to the studio, you’ll be ready to dance up a storm with these tips courtesy of Crazy Mommy!
Hone Skills and Learn New Ones
Trying to establish an in-home routine isn’t the same as going to a professional. Your dance
buddies aren’t there, the instructors can’t engage you directly, and you don’t have the space
and equipment that a professional studio offers. However, the next best thing is in-home
practice, and that begins with finding your inspiration.
● Stream sessions. You don’t have to totally miss out on the studio since you can
participate in fun virtual classes.
● Embrace a classic. Ballet is centuries old and still alive and well, and the basics carry
over into other dance styles.
● Try new flavors. If your home routine gets dull, spice it up with a little salsa.
● Add old school moves. Give the 90s a nod by tossing some hip hop into your regimen.
● Click and clack away. Just for kicks, another idea is to toss in some tap.
Your Space, Your Way
Having your own studio space tailored to your needs ensures you can practice whenever
inspiration strikes. Contemplate what areas in your home are out of the way and underused,
and think about what it will take to make it into your dream studio.
● See yourself. Mirrors are a must-have! You can buy Mylar sheeting as an inexpensive
solution; it comes in under $35 per roll.
● Brighten the space. Think about what types of lighting the space will need.
● Quiet down. Unless your studio is in an outbuilding, garage, or basement, noise might
be a problem, so you may want to soundproof your space.
● What’s underfoot. Dancing is definitely a full-body sport. To help avoid strains and
injuries, choose flooring that will keep you comfortable and safe.
● Keep it clean. Aim for a hygienic studio space.
Maintain Your Motivation
Dance is good for you, and you already know that. But you might not realize just how good for
you it is. As you contemplate your project and setting up a routine, focus on the carrot at the end
of the stick.
● Body and mind. Dancing is loaded with physical and mental health benefits, from better
cardio fitness to stress reduction.
● Personal space. Your household has likely spent a lot of time together over the last
year, so this is your chance to be alone.
● Home improvement. Your house is your biggest investment, so sprucing it up with a
new studio is one great way to enhance its value.
Are you ready to create your own home studio? A place to practice gives you a chance to stay
in shape and decompress. What’s more, it ensures you keep up — and even improve — your
hard-earned skills. When you get back into the professional studio, you’ll wow your instructor
with your improvement!
day 3: meaning of my name
A lot of you may be wondering where my blog name came from, how I came up with it. As I have previously mentioned i have 4 kids. They are cu...
We have what society tends to call a "large family." We have 2 adults and 4 kids. I have seen families with way more kids then we ...
As a special needs mom this topic comes up very often. Most people who don't deal with special needs often just think of kids in wheelch...
I am sure most of you know someone or have a friend or family member that has a child or children with special needs. I also know most of yo...